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fecma digital forumFECMA is organising high quality webinars addressing cash flow and credit management matters in the current European scenario.

The scope of these webinars is to inform and discuss the current business and economic environment and to assist businesses to manage cash flow and credit effectively and profitably during time of recovery.


The first FECMA Digital Forum will be held at August 26th – join the conversation and register now!

The world currently is reeling under the pressure of an unrelenting pandemic which is caused by COVID 19, the impact of this is already being felt across all sectors and has resulted in Global Lockdowns, increased joblessness and downward revised growth projections for countries globally.

The way credit is managed across the Order-to-Cash process needs to be reconsidered. Should we emphasize more on in-depth financial analysis or stress more on customers’ relations and management? The staff capability will be the main enabler for organisations to successfully navigate the challenges ahead. Is that an opportunity for people development?

What risk factors should be taken into account when granting credit?

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